英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 13:31:52
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1. shatter as if by explosion

Synonym: blast

2. cause to come or go down

e.g. The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect
The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet

Synonym: downcut downpush downpull down

3. knock down with force

e.g. He decked his opponent

Synonym: deckcoldcockdumpfloor

1. (被车)撞倒
If someone is knocked down or is knocked over by a vehicle or its driver, they are hit by a car and fall to the ground, and are often injured or killed.

e.g. He died in hospital after being knocked down by a car...
e.g. A drunk driver knocked down and killed two girls...

2. 推倒,拆掉,拆毁(建筑物)
To knock down a building or part of a building means to demolish it.

e.g. Why doesn't he just knock the wall down?...
e.g. They have since knocked down the shack.

3. 降(价);杀(价);减(量)
To knock down a price or amount means to decrease it.

e.g. The market might abandon the stock, and knock down its price...
e.g. It manages to knock rents down to $1 per square foot.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 bring down

1. 打倒:但是可以防止被敲昏.-弹弓(sling)是非常非常邪恶的射击武器.-鎚子, 钉头鎚等敲击系武器是最好的选择, 原本把人打倒(knock down) 会变成敲昏(stunned), 非常好用的特殊规则.(也可以说是最邪恶的特殊规则).-头盔(helmet)是非常赞的防具,

2. 击倒:不能在击倒(Knock down)状态下,成功的命中以后可以决定要Lock对手的Head击. 使用Lock的一方也可以在他启动(Activation)时选择放开对手,双方在Lock(Knock down)在地,请注意当你被Head-Lock或使用利齿(Jaw)做出Head Lock or为何要使用Head-butt?

3. 倒:在游戏中被击倒(Knock down)在地的目标,是最好的沙包,一个沉重的头槌让对手倒地,可以减少强化(boost)命中所需要的花费,再利用下Rend动作. Warbeast使用近战武器对一小型底座的活(Living)模型使被击倒(Knock Down)的模型不能被Slam.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

If you can knock down even the best version of an opponent's argument, then you've really accomplished something.(如果你能驳倒对方最有力的论证,那么你才真正完成说理。)
McCain was quick to knock down the lie.(麦凯恩迅速的戳穿了这个谎言。)
Please don't knock down all those cans.(请不要敲那些罐头。)
He manages to knock down a guard and grab a knife.(他设法击倒了一个警卫,抓起了一把刀。)
Follow these steps to learn how to knock down the three-pointer like a pro.(按照以下几步走,学习以下如何像行家里手一样投三分。)
Or at least, the plan to knock down chunks of her neighbourhood was shelved in 2007.(至少,在2007年,她成功使一个大型拆迁计划搁浅。)
They would knock down the shrine, and they would stop saying the god's name.(他们会砸掉神庙,他们不再说神的名字。)
Ignoring a girl to knock down her social value - when she already has low social value to begin with - could crush her ego.(无视女孩,降低他们的社交价值---当她们一开始便只有低价值的时候会摧毁她们的自尊。)
We'll have more space if we knock down the adjoining wall.(如果我们把这堵隔墙推倒,就会有更大的空间。)
To collide with, knock down, and often pass over.(碾过:与…相撞、撞倒,通常压过去。)
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